BDA3 Chapter 3 Exercise 3
Here’s my solution to exercise 3, chapter 3, of Gelman’s Bayesian Data Analysis (BDA), 3rd edition. There are solutions to some of the exercises on the book’s webpage.
Suppose we have n measurements y∣μ,σ∼Normal(μ,σ), where the prior p(μ,logσ)∝1 is uniform. The calculations on page 66 show that the marginal posterior distribution of μ is μ∣y∼t(ˉy,s/n), where s is the sample standard deviation. The measurements are as follows.
control <- list(
n = 32,
mean = 1.013,
sd = 0.24
treatment <- list(
n = 36,
mean = 1.173,
sd = 0.2
The t-distribution in base-R is a standardised t-distribution. For a more general t-distribution (with arbitrary location and scale), we’ll use the LaplacesDemon package.
This allows us to plot the marginal posterior means.
mp <- tibble(value = seq(0, 2, 0.01)) %>%
ctrl = dst(value, control$mean, control$sd / sqrt(control$n), control$n - 1),
trt = dst(value, treatment$mean, treatment$sd / sqrt(treatment$n), treatment$n - 1)
) %>%
gather(cohort, density, ctrl, trt)

The 95% credible interval of the marginal posterior means is:
draws <- 10000
difference <- tibble(draw = 1:draws) %>%
ctrl = rst(n(), control$mean, control$sd / sqrt(control$n), control$n - 1),
trt = rst(n(), treatment$mean, treatment$sd / sqrt(treatment$n), treatment$n - 1),
difference = trt - ctrl
ci <- difference$difference %>%
quantile(probs = c(0.05, 0.95))
5% 95%
0.06752309 0.25173035
We can also plot the distribution of the difference.