BDA3 Chapter 2 Exercise 1

Here’s my solution to exercise 1, chapter 2, of Gelman’s Bayesian Data Analysis (BDA), 3rd edition. There are solutions to some of the exercises on the book’s webpage.

\(\DeclareMathOperator{\dbinomial}{binomial} \DeclareMathOperator{\dbern}{Bernoulli} \DeclareMathOperator{\dbeta}{beta}\)

Let \(H\) be the number of heads in 10 tosses of the coin. With a \(\dbeta(4, 4)\) prior on the probability \(\theta\) of a head, the posterior after finding out \(H \le 2\) is

\[ \begin{align} p(\theta \mid H \le 2) &\propto p(H \le 2 \mid \theta) \cdot p(\theta) \\ &= \dbeta(\theta \mid 4, 4) \sum_{h = 0}^2 \dbinomial(h \mid \theta, 10) \\ &= \theta^3 (1 - \theta)^3 \sum_{h = 0}^2 \binom{10}{h} \theta^h (1 - \theta)^{10 - h}. \end{align} \]

We can plot this unnormalised posterior density from the following dataset.

ex1 <- tibble(
         theta = seq(0, 1, 0.01), 
         prior = theta^3 * (1 - theta)^3,
         posterior = prior * (
           choose(10, 0) * theta^0 * (1 - theta)^10 +
           choose(10, 1) * theta^1 * (1 - theta)^9 +
           choose(10, 2) * theta^2 * (1 - theta)^8 

With the help of Stan, we can obtain the normalised posterior density. We include the information that there are at most 2 heads observed by using the (log) cumulative density function.

m1 <- rstan::stan_model('src/ex_02_01.stan')
S4 class stanmodel 'ex_02_01' coded as follows:
transformed data {
  int tosses = 10;
  int max_heads = 2;

parameters {
  real<lower = 0, upper = 1> theta;

model {
  theta ~ beta(4, 4); // prior 
  target += binomial_lcdf(max_heads | tosses, theta); // likelihood

The following posterior has the same shape as our exact unnormalised density above. The difference is that we now have a normalised probability distribution without having to work out the maths ourselves.

f1 <- sampling(m1, iter = 40000, warmup = 500, chains = 1)