Wasserman's AoS, Chapter 8, Question 5
We solve question 5 from chapter 8 os Wasserman’s “All of Statistics” making the implicit assumption that X1,…,Xn are iid. Other computation solutions can be found in the corresponding GitHub reepo.
Given X1,…,Xn, the random variable X∗i can take any of those ≤n values. With the assumption that there are no ties (i.e. there are n distinct values), X∗i has a discrete uniform distribution over X1,…,Xn. (If there are ties, then the distribution is not uniform). We use this fact multiple times to obtain the result.
where we used The Fact for the 2nd equality.
where μ:=EX1, assuming it exists.
For the conditional variance,
This has expectation σ2n, where σ2:=VX1, assuming it exists.
Before calculating the variance, we require one more identity - the variance of the conditional expectation.
The expression for the variance now follows from Theorem 3.27.